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BENE – your specialist in oil separators, organic greases + oils, special technologies


Oil in drainage water? – BENE offers products and services.

BENE is the specialist company in the area of "oil in water". This focus provides BENE customers with products and services at the highest level. BENE has been developing the newest technologies for drainage treatment for over 20 years in Achern, in Germany's Black Forest.

Components and products made of stainless steel, plastic, and reinforced concrete are produced in our company's own factory in the Bauhaus city of Dessau. BENE uses high-quality materials and construction materials, and modern production processes.

The products are subject to the highest quality requirements and continual inspections.
Free consultation for planners/builders with BENE engineers on-location is a matter of course.

BENE service personnel are active around the world and are able to complete prompt maintenance and repairs on wastewater purification products and all separator models. Environmental protection and operating safety have top priority.

BENE – separators in in-situ concrete, pre-fab concrete parts, PE, and stainless steel designs for in-ground installation
or for free set-up
